If you are replacing a hubcap on your semi-trailer because it’s broken or leaking oil or grease, you might have some questions.
Do you have a Parallel or Narrow Spindle?
Understand the differences between Parallel and Narrow hubcaps on a semi-trailer.
Knowing the answers to some basic questions about your hubcaps will help your parts counter person identify the type of hubcap you have on your trailer, even without knowing the VIN number.
Is it a grease or oil hubcap?
Do you have tire inflation?
Is your hubcap a Narrow or Parallel spindle?
Narrow hubcaps:
They are smaller than Parallel hubcaps.
They have two different size bearings, so it is a tapered design.
Parallel hubcaps:
Are larger than the narrow hubcaps
Both the bearings are the same size, and therefore the hub is a straight design.
We can help you figure out what you need to get you back on the road with this basic information about your hubcaps.
Kiersten Doster
Your Partner in Parts!