Dimensions of a Multi-Temp Trailer

If you’re running a multi-temp trailer, chances are you don’t have a 53’ long, 102″ wide, 13.6” high trailer. Instead, you’ve got something shorter in length, height, and width.  Here we’ll look at the dimensions of a multi-temp trailer and how insulation thickness affects it.

How Thicker Insulation Can Affect Earning Potential

This means the wall thickness (insulation) becomes an even bigger issue for you because it reduces your inside width and potentially the number of pallets you can fit inside. The thicker the walls and the better insulation you have, the lower number of pallets you can put into the trailer, allowing you to haul less product, directly affecting your earning potential.

Make adjustments to the rear header to reduce the thickness and increase clearance.

We have systems that can lower the rear door in the trailer and decrease the header thickness to give you more clearance for your tow motor going in and out of the trailer.  * Please talk with your trailer salesman about those options.

Axel placement is a big issue on these short trailers.

* The axel placement and dock height is essential for safety and efficiency.

If you’re running a multi-temp trailer, you’re probably not running down the highway in a 12’ wide lane. You’re going in and out of parking lots, narrow areas, nighttime, 3rd shift. You’ve got dock height configurations that are different than what you’re used to, and you need to be able to get these trailers in and out.

We can place your axles, and adjust your dock height to give your driver better, safer access and better clearance and lighting.

Read more in this series, How to Buy the Best Reefer Trailer.
Options and Upgrades to a Standard Reefer Trailer.
Multi-Temp Design Strategies and Perspectives for Single Temp Operators.


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